Saturday, November 03, 2007

我相信 生命充滿美好計畫



我相信【国】 讚美之泉

我相信 耶穌是我的好朋友
我相信 天父是我的阿爸父
祂好疼愛我 祂以慈愛安慰我
我相信 聖靈是我的安慰者
我相信 生命充滿美好計畫
一生敬拜禰 活出最美的旨意
我相信 我相信 打開心門來接受
我相信 我相信 我的生命已不同
一路上有主來陪伴我 永遠不離開我
我相信 我相信 我相信天父是阿爸父
我相信 我相信 最愛我的就是阿爸父
(copied from


God is the only one can lead me to the light and truth. Faith is not just about "I feel good! I feel blessed"! But to truely believe that God is always there for me when I pray. It's not a blind faith because this faith has led me to the light! The light can set me free. The light can break the bondages. Remember the story of "blind leads blind"? If christian's faith without a strong relationship with God. IT'S A BLIND FAITH!!! If it is accompanied with a close and strong relationship with god. It's the faith the bible talking about. Abraham recevied Issac because He believed God was able to do anything. Noah built the ark because he believed God was not joking about the flood. Moses believed he was chosen by God and led the Israelites to the promise land despites the hardships in the trip. The reason why God gave us a bible is to strengthen our faith in Him. And here comes "quiet time" quiet time"...

My life has become colourful when I met you Jesus!
I am precious in your eyes
I will praise you forever and ever
I am strong in your presence
I will lift up my eyes and look into your face
You never leave me alone

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

